Monday, January 30, 2012

Lab 3

1. Select one of the locomotor skills and create your own set of teaching cues.
Hop- pretend like the leg up got hit with a heavy object. Ex. It is hurting because your friend accidently stepped on your foot. Bend and extend the jumping leg. Wave to the floor goodbye with hopping foot. Double scoop the ice cream with your arms.

2. Identify the specific pathways used in each of the low organized games presented in the lesson focus.
The 3 pathways in the games played were. Straight pathways, Zi-zag pathways, and curved pathways.

3. Select a topic for a class talk and outline the questions and key points that would help you guide a class talk.
Topic: Respect. What is respect? How do you show respect to your friends and family? 
"when a person values another's opinion and thoughts then treats that person with dignity, it shows how valuable that person is to the other." 
When is it used? Why do we use it?
Make sure kids are raising hands and are given ample time to answer. Rephrase/summarize what each student has to say. Positivity.
4. Make a checklist of performance points to look for in one of the locomotor movements.
Running:  Everything in opposition  __
              Knees are up (not dragging feet) __
              Arms at/close to 90 degrees __
              Small amount of time where both feet are off the ground __

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Lab 2

1. Explain why exercises such as sit ups and push ups have to be modified for kindergarten and first grade students in the DVL 1 group.
These exercises appear to be placed as negative consequences to getting out in a game or being punished. Most of these DVL 1 kids also don't show proper technique in these exercises. There are other activities and movements that can take place of push ups and sit ups.
2. Why is rhythmic activity important for young children?
Song and rhythm are applied to everyday scenarios for kids. Kids are naturally attracted to music and a beat. Most of the music played has a positive or influential message. It is also a good way to keep the kids attentive and keep them participating.
3. Define laterality and explain why tracing giant letters helps reinforce cognitive learning.
Laterality is the ability to use both sides of the body to complete a skill or task. In class today we drew the first letter of our name. This made me think of the components that go into spelling the letter H. By having elementary students do this it makes them recall the appearance of the letter and perform the motion to spell.
4. Why are educators concerned about young children not being able to keep an internal beat?
Keeping an internal beat is pretty basic and is helpful to have for many activities. Activities and lessons will have to be adjusted in order for that student to still partake in the class and improve.
5.Define homo-lateral and cross lateral movements.
Homo-lateral means pertaining to the same side or the body while cross lateral means that a limb is crossing the midline of the body in order to perform a task or skill.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Lab 1

1. Why do class management and effective teaching go hand in hand throughout every day of the teaching?
By keeping your kids organized and controlled you can easily transition between activities. This leads to a more productive class that keeps your students more active and informed.
2. Why should your list of class rules be short and positive?
By keeping them short it makes it easier to read the whole thing through without being side tracked. Some students have shorter attention spans then others. By putting words like "no" it makes the kids want to be rebellious and go against the rules.
3. List three reasons why students enjoy the squad square structure as well as three reasons why teachers benefit from employing the squad square structure for management.
Students benefit because they can see the rest of their classmates, they feel like they're apart of a group/squad/team, and their are no line leaders. The teacher benefits because it has the kids organized and in groups, can easily monitor if the kids shoes are tied, and can make it easy put equipment away.
4. What common elements do all of the activities in this management lab share?
The lab went through basic gross motor movements. It also covered students listening skills. Went over the difference between personal and general space. The listening skills were tested in the activities. The rules were changed depending on the activity (boundaries, personal space, buddies).
5. How is the affective domain addressed in this lesson? How is the psychomotor domain addressed in this lesson? How is the cognitive domain addressed in this lesson?
The lesson included a lot of activities that required communication (Affective Domain). The first activity was the "Hello" game. This required students to read a classmates name tag and say "Hello Sarah" for example. The class also comprised of gross and fine motor movements (Psychomotor Domain). Things like hopping, skipping, and jogging were all included in the activities. One of the last games was to pretend like you had a string attached to a body part given by the teacher (Cognitive Domain). So if the teacher said that the string was attached to your elbow each student would have to pretend like they were getting pulled at their elbow.
6. Find a different management game.
Have the students line up on a line in the gym. Choose a student that did well during class and have them select an animal for the class to imitate. The entire class will pretend to be that animal. The gross motor movements are encouraged. Flamingo would be balancing on one foot and rabbit would be hopping on two feet.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Hey there!
I am Harrison Hefele. I am from Greenlawn, New York. I play Basketball here at SUNY Cortland. I like to play in any intramural sports that I get the chance to play. I especially like the volleyball tournaments. I do have many close family friends that have kids that are in Elementary schools. I am lucky enough to not only hang out with these cool kids that have unique personalities but I also get to teach them sports related skills all the time. All of these kids are very active and are always wanting to compete. I do have personal relationships with these kids and love them more than they know. I hope that I can create some new friendships while teaching them the knowledge and skills that I have learned myself.