Reflection on Lesson
The first day of Field Experience was a great way to start off from my standpoint. I got to meet several people at the front desk along with the Principal. It was pajama day and everybody was wearing their favorite sleeping attire. My partner and I made our way to the gym to meet our host teacher who was also dressed very nicely. The Pre-K walked in with their classroom teachers in a straight, formal line. Our host teacher was nice enough to introduce us to the kids then move on with the class period. The kids did not have a formal class but had a class period to play with themselves. Music was put to set the mood. Hoola Hoops, basketballs, and foam soccer balls were put out for the kids to play with. The kids were told to go and as soon as they heard that they were off! Me and my partner quickly chased after them wanting to make new friends. I initially helped some of the students play basketball at the lowered portable basketball hoop. Even on a seven foot hoop the kids had trouble reaching the rim. Regardless whether or it went in or not the kids had a blast heaving the ball to the sky. They got tired of shooting and proceeded to kick the basketballs as I chased after them. The game quickly changed to tag with eight or so kids. Each one of them had a smile from ear to ear. We would later take the hoola hoops and put them together to make a modified hop scotch. Most of the kids were able to hop or jump depending on the next hoops placement. Before we knew it the class was over and the kids were back in a single file line on the way to their next class. Even though a formal lesson was not taught it was an inclusive class that had all kids moving and showed us what some of their capabilities were.
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